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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • L-RGB composition of VdB 142 "The Eelephant Trunk Nebula", a part of the bigger complex IC 1396 in Cepheus.

    Some interesting facts:
    - The Elephant Trunk Nebula is a mix of gas and dust nebulae belonging to wide gas and dust region - IC 1396 - in Cepheo
    - Distance from the Hearth 2400 Light-Years
    - The Elephant Head and its Trunk are probably a star-forming area because several young stars have been found in this nebula, two of them lying in the eye's cavity which has been probably emptied by their stellar winds.

    RC-14” F/8,4
    SBIG STX 16803
    LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
    Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount

    L-R:G:B 225-60:60:60 (minutes)

    SQM: 21.4-21.6
    Seeing: 1.5"-1.8"

    Image Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
    Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

    Parco Astronomico del Brallo

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VdB 142: The Elephant Trunk Nebula in IC 1396

VdB 142: The Elephant Trunk Nebula in IC 1396 More
VdB 142: The Elephant Trunk Nebula in IC 1396 L-RGB composition of VdB 142 "The Eelephant Trunk Nebula", a part of the bigger complex IC 1396 in Cepheus.

Some interesting facts:
- The Elephant Trunk Nebula is a mix of gas and dust nebulae belonging to wide gas and dust region - IC 1396 - in Cepheo
- Distance from the Hearth 2400 Light-Years
- The Elephant Head and its Trunk are probably a star-forming area because several young stars have been found in this nebula, two of them lying in the eye's cavity which has been probably emptied by their stellar winds.

RC-14” F/8,4
SBIG STX 16803
LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount

L-R:G:B 225-60:60:60 (minutes)

SQM: 21.4-21.6
Seeing: 1.5"-1.8"

Image Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

Parco Astronomico del Brallo


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