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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • LRGB composition of NGC 457: a rich galactic cluster in Cassiopea, also known as E.T. Cluster or Owl Cluster.

    Noticeable objects in the field:
    * over 100 (probably around 150) stars members of the cluster of magnitude ranging between 12 and 15
    * the pair of brightest stars on top of the cluster, Phi-1 and Phi-2, i.e. the eyes of E.T., are not members of the cluster
    * several small galaxies overall the field, of which the PGC 4831 near top left, is one of the brightest

    Technical data:
    RC-14” F/8,4
    SBIG STX 16803
    LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
    Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount
    L-R:G:B 120-15:15:15 (minutes)
    SQM: 21.1
    Seeing: 1.6"-1.8"

    Acquisition: F. Antonucci - M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
    Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

    Parco Astronomico del Brallo

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NGC 457: The "E.T. Cluster" in Cassiopea

NGC 457: The "E.T. Cluster" in Cassiopea More
NGC 457: The "E.T. Cluster" in Cassiopea LRGB composition of NGC 457: a rich galactic cluster in Cassiopea, also known as E.T. Cluster or Owl Cluster.

Noticeable objects in the field:
* over 100 (probably around 150) stars members of the cluster of magnitude ranging between 12 and 15
* the pair of brightest stars on top of the cluster, Phi-1 and Phi-2, i.e. the eyes of E.T., are not members of the cluster
* several small galaxies overall the field, of which the PGC 4831 near top left, is one of the brightest

Technical data:
RC-14” F/8,4
SBIG STX 16803
LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount
L-R:G:B 120-15:15:15 (minutes)
SQM: 21.1
Seeing: 1.6"-1.8"

Acquisition: F. Antonucci - M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

Parco Astronomico del Brallo


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