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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • LRGB image of the galaxy NGC 5866 in the Constellation Draco, also called Spidle Galaxy.
    - It is the brightest galaxy of the small group of galaxies identified as NGC 5866 group that includes NGC 5879 and NGC 5907
    - It has been classified as Lenticular Galaxy however, since its dust disk is very long and not usual for such types of galaxy, it might be an edge-on spiral galaxy
    - It may be the M102 Messier object (still under dispute)
    - This galaxy shows a prominent spike and giant wedge-shaped structure (see the B/W picture on this album) which are probably due to a recent merger event with another smaller galaxy. See the articles: http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-3881/140/4/962/article

    L:600' R:180' G:120' B:180'
    - Telescope: Dall-Kirkham Astrograph 12" F/7,8
    - CCD SBIG ST-10 XME
    - Baader Planetarium Filters
    - Gemini Telescope Fork Mount

    Trivolzio Observatory

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NGC 5866 (M102?) - The Spindle Galaxy - Constellation Draco

NGC 5866 (M102?) - The Spindle Galaxy - Constellation Draco More
NGC 5866 (M102?) - The Spindle Galaxy - Constellation Draco LRGB image of the galaxy NGC 5866 in the Constellation Draco, also called Spidle Galaxy.
- It is the brightest galaxy of the small group of galaxies identified as NGC 5866 group that includes NGC 5879 and NGC 5907
- It has been classified as Lenticular Galaxy however, since its dust disk is very long and not usual for such types of galaxy, it might be an edge-on spiral galaxy
- It may be the M102 Messier object (still under dispute)
- This galaxy shows a prominent spike and giant wedge-shaped structure (see the B/W picture on this album) which are probably due to a recent merger event with another smaller galaxy. See the articles: http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-3881/140/4/962/article

L:600' R:180' G:120' B:180'
- Telescope: Dall-Kirkham Astrograph 12" F/7,8
- Baader Planetarium Filters
- Gemini Telescope Fork Mount

Trivolzio Observatory


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