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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • Hybrid Image of the well known Dumbbell Nebula - M27 - in Vulpecula . This image has been made combining Natural Colours and Narrow Bands contributions to improve the details perceprion and the gases distributions visbility.

    Relevant Facts:
    - M27 is a beautiful Planetary Nebula about 1,360 light years far from us.
    - M27 is quite big in size (8.0x5.6 arcmin) and also very bright (apparent magnitude 7.5) and it has been the first planetary nebula found by C. Messier
    - The central star exploded about 9,600 years ago and now it is probably the biggest white dwarf known
    - M27 belongs to the family of planetary nebulae called "Bipolar nebulae"

    Hybrid Composition (L:Ha:OIII) - (R:Ha):G:(B:OIII)

    Narrow Bands - M. Angelini & F. Tagliani - Trivolzio, Italy
    Ha:320' OIII:300'
    Dall-Kirkham Astrograph 12" F/7.8 - CCD ATIK 11000

    Natural Colours - F. Antonucci - Fano, Italy
    L:R:G:B 40:20:20:20 minutes
    R-C 14" F/8.4 - CCD SBIG 16803 - GM2000

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M 27: The Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula

M 27: The Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula More
M 27: The Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula Hybrid Image of the well known Dumbbell Nebula - M27 - in Vulpecula . This image has been made combining Natural Colours and Narrow Bands contributions to improve the details perceprion and the gases distributions visbility.

Relevant Facts:
- M27 is a beautiful Planetary Nebula about 1,360 light years far from us.
- M27 is quite big in size (8.0x5.6 arcmin) and also very bright (apparent magnitude 7.5) and it has been the first planetary nebula found by C. Messier
- The central star exploded about 9,600 years ago and now it is probably the biggest white dwarf known
- M27 belongs to the family of planetary nebulae called "Bipolar nebulae"

Hybrid Composition (L:Ha:OIII) - (R:Ha):G:(B:OIII)

Narrow Bands - M. Angelini & F. Tagliani - Trivolzio, Italy
Ha:320' OIII:300'
Dall-Kirkham Astrograph 12" F/7.8 - CCD ATIK 11000

Natural Colours - F. Antonucci - Fano, Italy
L:R:G:B 40:20:20:20 minutes
R-C 14" F/8.4 - CCD SBIG 16803 - GM2000


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