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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • LHa-(RHa)GB composition of NGC6960 - Veil Nebula in Cygnus.

    This image has been enhanced thanks to a very deep Ha contribution taken with an fast telescope (F/3,2).
    Compared with the simply natural color image taken on August 2012 (LRGB version which is also in this gallery) this Ha-improved picture shows a much wider, detailed and deep extension of the nebula with a remarkable filamentary structure, especially beyond the top edges, usually very faint or not even detectable without the narrow band contribution.

    August 2012:
    RC-14” F/8,4
    SBIG STX 16803
    LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
    Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount
    LHa-(RHa):G:B (180:180)-(60:180):40:60 (minutes)


    August 2014:
    ASA 12" F/3,2 - August 2014
    SBIG ST8300
    Mount: GM2000
    Ha: 240 minutes

    Image Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - P. Venturi - F. Tagliani
    Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

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NGC6960 - The Veil Nebula in Cygnus - LHa-(RHa)GB enhanced version

NGC6960 - The Veil Nebula in Cygnus - LHa-(RHa)GB enhanced version More
NGC6960 - The Veil Nebula in Cygnus - LHa-(RHa)GB enhanced version LHa-(RHa)GB composition of NGC6960 - Veil Nebula in Cygnus.

This image has been enhanced thanks to a very deep Ha contribution taken with an fast telescope (F/3,2).
Compared with the simply natural color image taken on August 2012 (LRGB version which is also in this gallery) this Ha-improved picture shows a much wider, detailed and deep extension of the nebula with a remarkable filamentary structure, especially beyond the top edges, usually very faint or not even detectable without the narrow band contribution.

August 2012:
RC-14” F/8,4
SBIG STX 16803
LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount
LHa-(RHa):G:B (180:180)-(60:180):40:60 (minutes)


August 2014:
ASA 12" F/3,2 - August 2014
Mount: GM2000
Ha: 240 minutes

Image Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - P. Venturi - F. Tagliani
Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci


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