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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • Crop and Zoom on the Core of NGC 281 from the whole picture http://www.astrobrallo.com/gallery/index.php/DOME-2/Narrow-band/NGC-281-2000

    Noticeable objects: sveral Bok glubules, The star cluster IC 1590 and the multiple star HD 5005 (the brightest near the centre) consisting of an 8th-magnitude primary with four companions at distances between 1.4 and 15.7 seconds of arc.

    Technical data and image details available at the link:

    Parco Astronomico del Brallo

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NGC 281 : The Pacman Nebula in Cassiopea - The Core

NGC 281 : The Pacman Nebula in Cassiopea - The Core More
NGC 281 : The Pacman Nebula in Cassiopea - The Core Crop and Zoom on the Core of NGC 281 from the whole picture http://www.astrobrallo.com/gallery/index.php/DOME-2/Narrow-band/NGC-281-2000

Noticeable objects: sveral Bok glubules, The star cluster IC 1590 and the multiple star HD 5005 (the brightest near the centre) consisting of an 8th-magnitude primary with four companions at distances between 1.4 and 15.7 seconds of arc.

Technical data and image details available at the link:

Parco Astronomico del Brallo


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