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Photo info

  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • Mapped Colours - Narrow Band Image of "The Rosette Nebula" in Monoceros. The Rosette Nebula is consisting of a big nebular complex, NGC 2237-2238-2239-2246 and its central open cluster NGC 2244.

    Narrow Band Filters. Baader Planetarium
    SII (678/8 nm), Ha (656/7 nm), OIII (500.0/8.5 nm)

    Exposure times:
    SII:Ha:OIII 120:270:120 minutes - Total: 8.5 hours

    Telescope & Camera set-up:
    Dall-Kirkham-Astrograph 12.5" F/7.8
    Camera CCD: SBIG STX 16803
    Guide CCD: SBIG Internal Guide Kodak KAI-340
    Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount


    Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - F. Tagliani

    Pictures Integration and Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

    Parco Astronomico del Brallo

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Lingua preferita

The Rosette Nebula complex (NGC 2237-2238-2239-2244-2246)

The Rosette Nebula complex (NGC 2237-2238-2239-2244-2246) More
The Rosette Nebula complex (NGC 2237-2238-2239-2244-2246) Mapped Colours - Narrow Band Image of "The Rosette Nebula" in Monoceros. The Rosette Nebula is consisting of a big nebular complex, NGC 2237-2238-2239-2246 and its central open cluster NGC 2244.

Narrow Band Filters. Baader Planetarium
SII (678/8 nm), Ha (656/7 nm), OIII (500.0/8.5 nm)

Exposure times:
SII:Ha:OIII 120:270:120 minutes - Total: 8.5 hours

Telescope & Camera set-up:
Dall-Kirkham-Astrograph 12.5" F/7.8
Camera CCD: SBIG STX 16803
Guide CCD: SBIG Internal Guide Kodak KAI-340
Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount


Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - F. Tagliani

Pictures Integration and Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

Parco Astronomico del Brallo


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