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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • Narrow-Band image of the southern part of NGC7000, the "North America Nebula". The brightest structure shown in the left of the picture is also called the "Cygnus Wall".

    Relevant Facts:
    - The Cygnus Wall is a very rich region of gases and dust. In the Narrow Band picture the emissions of Ionized Hydrogen, Oxygen and Sulfur are shown
    - The estimate distance of the nebula is not very accurate. The most recent measures indicate a distance of a bit less than 2,000 light years
    - In this nebular complex there are several young star of TT Tauri type and also several Herbig-Haro objects.

    Image acquisition: M.Angelini-F.Antonucci-F.Tagliani
    Image processing: F.Antonucci


    - Ha 320' with DK-A 12.5" F/7.8 - ATIK 11000 - Trivolzio Observatory

    - Ha:SII:OIII 280':120':120' with R-C 14" F/8 - SBIG STX 16803 - Fano Observatory

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NGC 7000: The Cygnus Wall - Narrow Band SII:Ha:OIII

NGC 7000: The Cygnus Wall - Narrow Band SII:Ha:OIII More
NGC 7000: The Cygnus Wall - Narrow Band SII:Ha:OIII Narrow-Band image of the southern part of NGC7000, the "North America Nebula". The brightest structure shown in the left of the picture is also called the "Cygnus Wall".

Relevant Facts:
- The Cygnus Wall is a very rich region of gases and dust. In the Narrow Band picture the emissions of Ionized Hydrogen, Oxygen and Sulfur are shown
- The estimate distance of the nebula is not very accurate. The most recent measures indicate a distance of a bit less than 2,000 light years
- In this nebular complex there are several young star of TT Tauri type and also several Herbig-Haro objects.

Image acquisition: M.Angelini-F.Antonucci-F.Tagliani
Image processing: F.Antonucci


- Ha 320' with DK-A 12.5" F/7.8 - ATIK 11000 - Trivolzio Observatory

- Ha:SII:OIII 280':120':120' with R-C 14" F/8 - SBIG STX 16803 - Fano Observatory


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