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Photo info

  • Proprietario: Marco
  • L-RGB composition of a beautiful complex of dust and gas belonging to NGC 7822 in Cepheus - full resolution of core details

    RC-14” F/8,4
    SBIG STX 16803
    LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
    Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount

    L-R:G:B 180-45:45:45 (minutes)

    SQM: 21.2-21.4
    Seeing: 1.9"-2.3"

    Image Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
    Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

    Parco Astronomico del Brallo

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NGC 7822: complex of dust and gas nebulae in Cepheus - zoom on core details

NGC 7822: complex of dust and gas nebulae in Cepheus - zoom on core details More
NGC 7822: complex of dust and gas nebulae in Cepheus - zoom on core details L-RGB composition of a beautiful complex of dust and gas belonging to NGC 7822 in Cepheus - full resolution of core details

RC-14” F/8,4
SBIG STX 16803
LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount

L-R:G:B 180-45:45:45 (minutes)

SQM: 21.2-21.4
Seeing: 1.9"-2.3"

Image Acquisition: F. Antonucci -M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci

Parco Astronomico del Brallo


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