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  • Proprietario: Marco Angelini
  • LRGB composition of the diffuse nebula IC405, also known as "The Flaming Star Nebula", sourrounding the variable star AE Aurigae

    Noticeable facts:
    * The star AE Aurigae is a special dwarf O-type spectral class. In other words, a blue-dwarf. It is a "runaway" star, classified as "Orion-type variable star" (its mag varies between 5.78 and 6.08 in an irregular way), which might have been born in the Orion's Trapezium area and then escaped from this region.
    * The radiation emitted by AE Aurigae lights the nice sourrounding diffuse nebula IC 405 which is mainly red because it is basically an Hydrogen nebula excited by the star, however there are also some dust zones reflecting the blue-light from it. So the nebula is classified as emission/reflection type.
    * A low but diffuse presence of HII on the background.
    * few nice little galaxies on the background.

    Technical data:
    RC-14” F/8,4
    SBIG STX 16803
    LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
    Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount
    L-R:G:B 105-75:60:60 (minutes)
    SQM: 21.1-21.3 Seeing: 2.2"-2.5"

    Acquisition: F. Antonucci - M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
    Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci
    Parco Astronomico del Brallo

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IC 405: The Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga

IC 405: The Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga More
IC 405: The Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga LRGB composition of the diffuse nebula IC405, also known as "The Flaming Star Nebula", sourrounding the variable star AE Aurigae

Noticeable facts:
* The star AE Aurigae is a special dwarf O-type spectral class. In other words, a blue-dwarf. It is a "runaway" star, classified as "Orion-type variable star" (its mag varies between 5.78 and 6.08 in an irregular way), which might have been born in the Orion's Trapezium area and then escaped from this region.
* The radiation emitted by AE Aurigae lights the nice sourrounding diffuse nebula IC 405 which is mainly red because it is basically an Hydrogen nebula excited by the star, however there are also some dust zones reflecting the blue-light from it. So the nebula is classified as emission/reflection type.
* A low but diffuse presence of HII on the background.
* few nice little galaxies on the background.

Technical data:
RC-14” F/8,4
SBIG STX 16803
LRGB Filters Baader LRGB
Mount: Gemini Telescope Design - MOFOD Fork Mount
L-R:G:B 105-75:60:60 (minutes)
SQM: 21.1-21.3 Seeing: 2.2"-2.5"

Acquisition: F. Antonucci - M. Angelini - F. Tagliani
Image Processing: Francesco Antonucci
Parco Astronomico del Brallo


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