Also known as LBN 704 or SH2-206. It is a wide and bright emission nebula in Perseus.
Its name - Fossil Footprint Nebula - comes from wide-field images, where this nebula looks like a giant cosmical footprint.
Its intense and predominant red color is due to the Hydrogen which is very abundant in the nebula and it is energized by hot stars within it
Composite Image: L (36x600") taken with a Ritchey-Chrétien telescope 12" F/9 reduced to F/7 on the home observatory in Trivolzio (IT) and RGB (12x600" each) taken with a Dall-Kirkham telescope 12" F/7,2 on the Astrobrallo Obsrvatory in Brallo di pregola (IT)
Click on the picture for the full size
Camera: Moravian CCD 3200 - KAF 3200ME
Filters: Astronomik LRGB
MaximDL Pixinsight