IC 1396 - Details in Narrow Band Mapped Colours

IC 1396 - Details in Narrow Band Mapped Colours More
IC 1396 - Details in Narrow Band Mapped Colours Dark Nebula in big Nebula Complex IC 1396 in Cepheus.

Mosaic of 2 frames.

Ha: total exposure 3h
GSO RC 10" F/8
Sbig ST-8XME

SII-OIII courtesy of Francesco Antonucci
RC 14" F/8
SBIG STX 16803


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Photo info

  • Proprietario: Marco
  • Dark Nebula in big Nebula Complex IC 1396 in Cepheus.

    Mosaic of 2 frames.

    Ha: total exposure 3h
    GSO RC 10" F/8
    Sbig ST-8XME

    SII-OIII courtesy of Francesco Antonucci
    RC 14" F/8
    SBIG STX 16803

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