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  • Proprietario: Marco
  • Mapped colours narrow band SIIHaOIII image of Melotte 15, the central core of IC1805 nebula in Cassiopea

    Acquisition by M. Angelini and F. Tagliani
    Image Processing by F. Antonucci

    SII:Ha:OIII 60:120:60

    Telescope: Dall-Kirkham Astrograph 12" F/7.8
    Mount: Fork mount Gemini MOFOD + Pulsar2
    CCD: SBIG STL1001E
    Filters: Custom Scientific 4,5nm

    Parco Astronomico del Brallo - October, 2 - 2011

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Melotte 15 - IC1805

Melotte 15 - IC1805 More
Melotte 15 - IC1805 Mapped colours narrow band SIIHaOIII image of Melotte 15, the central core of IC1805 nebula in Cassiopea

Acquisition by M. Angelini and F. Tagliani
Image Processing by F. Antonucci

SII:Ha:OIII 60:120:60

Telescope: Dall-Kirkham Astrograph 12" F/7.8
Mount: Fork mount Gemini MOFOD + Pulsar2
Filters: Custom Scientific 4,5nm

Parco Astronomico del Brallo - October, 2 - 2011


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